Monday, November 15, 2010

Some notes about installing lighttpd and php

copy php-fpm.conf to /usr/local/cgiphp/etc
chmod src/php-5.3.3/sapi/fpm/init.d*

make /usr/local/cgiphp/var writable to user 'nobody' or just make it writable
both log and run dirs must be writable so that default log
and pid files can be created

lighttpd server
after ./configure
make install

// need to manually create
and copy from src/lighttpd-XXX/doc/config/lighttpd.conf
and also copy modules.conf there too

manually create dir /var/log/lighttpd/
and create files access.log and error.log in there
and make them writable
if files don't exist server will not be able to start

manually create /tmp/lighttpd/cache
for compression

change ipv6 to "disabled" otherwise the SERVER["REMOVE_HOST"]
shows weird looking ip stat starts with hex:$ip